Sion boasts a wide assortment, thanks in part to its cooperation with fellow breeders under the name “Breeders in the Spotlight.” The products can be ordered by color as well as by variety. Above all, the short local delivery time of 2 to 4 days allows for a tight delivery schedule, allowing for a year-round weekly delivery or just a large delivery in peak periods for the holidays. The production site in Edmonton is equipped with modern and extensive facilities. This includes a fully enclosed greenhouse without vents, which ensures controlled air and moisture quality and excellent hygiene.
In May 2022, Sion Young Plants and Bevo Farms entered into a partnership for the propagation of Phalaenopsis. Bevo Farms is a nursery that produces a range of products, including flowering plants and various young vegetable plants. It brings over 35 years of experience to the table. Sion Young Plants is among the top international breeders and propagators of Phalaenopsis. It provides a comprehensive assortment as well as marketing and sales expertise. “Where Bevo Farms provides optimal breeding and logistics, we in turn can provide customers with growing advice, market information and assortment selection,” says sales manager Randy van Paassen (Sion).